Social media advertising is the talk of the town nowadays. It’s a large field with many functions and is growing daily. If you look around, you see the importance of television diminishing day by day. Nowadays, we rarely see ourselves watching television. The reason for this is that the functions of television are now available on our cell phones. people who want to watch television can now go to youtube and watch the channel of their choice. With cell phones, people are no longer hooked to their televisions. So, what exactly are they hooked to? Social media ads? Yes, that is what is trending nowadays!
Let’s talk about it further.
What Does The World Of Social Media Advertising Looks Like
Ads are targeted on Youtube and Facebook, which has created a new field of social media ads.
Examples of social media ads include Facebook story-based ads. People view a story and then scroll up, which leads them to the main page. Other ad options on Facebook involve photos and videos. Videos on Facebook have a maximum length of 240 minutes. Engagement is also done through photos. people may comment or like the post; this drives engagement.
Other types of social media ads include youtube ads, which are also referred to as google ads. advertising on google creates a lot of chances for interaction. Ads on youtube are usually unskippable or have a skip time after 5 seconds. this means there is a higher chance that people will view your ad.
Also Read: How To Design A Logo In 4 Easy Steps
People and businesses also post ads through Instagram. The platform has features similar to Facebook, such as stories and reels. People can collectively manage Instagram and Facebook ads through either of the two platforms.
Digital billboards are another form of social media advertising. Digital billboards are computer-operated billboards. The image on the billboard changes with the help of a computer. Compared to conventional billboards, these can display multiple adverts simultaneously. Marketers can provide detailed information about their products using digital billboards.
Well…. I guess that’s enough with the ad part, but for a good ad, you need good graphics and a brand logo as well. Let us look into the world of logo designing, for that matter.
Logo Designing….. The quest for the perfect logo
Logo designing is so easy, isn’t it? Well, this is a general belief. But let me tell you that this is not the case. Logo design isn’t about going to canva, choosing a template, changing its colour, and calling it your logo. Brand logo design demands thinking out of the box. This is exactly why the skill is in high demand.
To a brand, the logo tells a great deal about the personality of the brand. This is the reason that brand logos are carefully designed. A logo should align itself with the brand image and what it sells. The new digital era relies heavily on logos as a way to make your brand stand out. Logo makers are creative people who specialize in this task.
You have a logo and attention, but where will the customer approach you? Your website being in a good state is as important as your ads and logos. A good webpage design is a core part of the company’s marketing strategy. Let’s discuss below how and why it matters.
Webdesign as a gateway to increase sales
The war is no longer about detailed web pages. The goal is to ensure that web pages are user-friendly. web designers ensure that web pages are “SEO” friendly (ill elaborate on this further). this helps to optimize conversion rates. User-friendly web pages increase sales because they attract customers. The ease of accessing content on a page means that the user can easily see content, which means chances of increased future sales. Pages which are user-friendly allow customers to buy products easily. This increases the chances of repeat purchases.
I mentioned SEO earlier. I now elaborate on how SEO can improve the marketability of your page.
Importance of SEO for web pages
Search engine optimization, or SEO, involves making sure that our website is in the top 10 results of google rankings. hence, Using SEO services means that people see your website on the first page of search results. This means that while searching, more people find your website and visit it. SEO is important to sparkle your brand because it is free; without paying for ads, your website gains visibility. This is why SEO as a service does wonders for your business. You can hire your own team, which specializes in SEO, or you can take the services of digital marketing agencies.
Also Read: Why Do You Need Digital Services?
Tools for SEO are the website, content and backlinks. hence the website should have user-friendly content for which tools are available. Backlinking means the website has provided cross-links to other websites. SEO-friendly content involves short sentences, usage of active voice and keywords.
Key takeaways
Social media advertising is a breakthrough field. This is the new direction the world is heading in. the field changes the scope of marketing completely. Hence, It is an opportunity for marketers to promote content on mediums other than television. Thus, This field changes the way marketers work to achieve their goals.